Matisse’s Blog Post

imageHi my name is Matisse and I am in the year 4 BYOD class (Bring Your Own Device).

I enjoy the BYOD class because we get to use lots of interesting applications (Apps) that help me learn in fun and interesting ways. I believe that devices such as iPads are going to be the way of the future and I want to have the opportunity to learn as much as I can. There really is a lot to learn.

I quite like the App called Pages because it is really easy to place objects like photos to create a poster, chapter or jotting. When my work is finished I can submit it electronically to my teacher with no need for paper and this helps stop waste.


The App that I find challenging is CBB (Creative Book Builder) because it is hard to place objects and if you want a cover image there are blue dots that never go away (well I can’t make them go).

I really enjoy researching geography. My favourite App for this is Barefoot Atlas because it shows all the interesting places around the globe, like the pyramids of Egypt. When I find something of interest, I can then use Google Earth street view to take a look around.

I’m looking forward to learning more iPad secrets from Mrs. Sansness and Mr. Schutz in the rest of the year.

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