Innovation and BYO

Innovation is local to a site.   What should be understood is that what is innovation in one particular school will not be at another.  In writing about innovation, Scott Berkun,  author and speaker, defines innovation as “significant positive change.”

If the goal of technology integration is to innovate schools and classrooms, then we need to change more than just adding technology.   The integration of technology into learning will fail if the aim of the school is simply to support the status quo, to continue a ‘chalk talk’ pedagogy or to give the appearance of being ‘future ready’.

Imagine the below image if we put personal devices into their hands – nothing will be achieved and no positive change will occur if there is no vision for change in a range of inter-related areas within this learning environment.

At Oakleigh State School, the last 5 years have been spent with significant effort and time put towards changing beliefs, behaviour and the environment to suit a more futures oriented outlook in terms of teaching and learning.     The evolution of of our Bring Your Own Device Program has certainly played a role in this work,  but it is essential to understand that whilst this innovation was being embedded, there were a number of priorities being driven forward which are just as important, if not more important, than the use of technology assisting learning.

The playlist of videos below – curated from our’ YouTube’ channel from the last 5 years – is interesting and informative in showing the evolution of the work that has been done within this initiative but also in a myriad of interconnected areas at our school.      In being constantly asked by other schools to provide insights into a number of these initiatives, we have put together a series of Leadership Workshops which we start next week.